A Studer Education Partner Story

Improving Culture and Performance Through Feedback

Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District Case Study

by Dr. Patricia Greco


rior to 2014, Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District had a superintendent who served for many years. After his retirement, three superintendents worked with the district for shorter terms, creating instability over the next 15 years. The impact of the leadership turnover was typical. Organizational culture and momentum took a hit with each transition.

In 2015, Dr. Heidi Eliopoulos, a middle school principal at the time, was selected as the next superintendent. Heidi knew the board, staff and community deserved better outcomes. Building the foundation for a strong organizational culture became her highest priority.

Learn how Heidi and her team have brought trust back to the system and shifted the mindset of an entire organization to get impressive results.

Learning and improvement occur when staff effectively collaborate, learn together and get complex, innovative work done.

– Amy Edmonson, The Fearless Organization

Download the Chippewa Falls Case Study

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