Coach to Success



Why do leaders who engage with coaches lead organizations to success?

We’ve met quite a few strong leaders. Strong leaders know how to navigate change in a way that creates new opportunities. Today, organizational results depend on how well leaders guide their teams to achieve. Equally as important, leaders and teams must be good problem solvers and thinkers.

The Best Leaders…

create a
system-wide vision.

clearly set and communicate a direction for people to go.

actions to priorities.

create engaged work environments that support teams to achieve.

reinforce critical and strategic thinking on how to achieve results.

create a
system-wide vision.

clearly set and communicate a direction for people to go.

actions to priorities.

create engaged work environments that support teams to achieve.

reinforce critical and strategic thinking on how to achieve results.

To be successful, leaders need a framework with aligned action plans.

Our coaches apply tools and tactics aligned to the

Nine Principles® Framework

to provide this type of support.

They also use tools to diagnose, assess,

and ask probing questions through a more objective lens.



What do our coaches do with our partner organizations?

Most organizations have developed strategic plans. We’ve learned that some of our best leaders want to engage the people in their organization to achieve excellence that aligns to a strategic plan.  These leaders ask: what is the best way to do that?

Working with partner organizations to build an execution process that aligns to the strategic plan produces results. 

The Process…


Gather and analyze the right data and establish the strategic priorities for a given time.


Develop and align measurable outcomes and progress metrics, and determine the 20% of the actions to produce 80% of the results.


Coach leaders and staff on core tactics to apply the actions, and help leaders coach their teams to success.


Confirm performance over compliance to determine areas working well, those needing improvements, and people to recognize.


Measure continuous progress using in-process metrics to engage in conversations with teams. Harvest organizational wins and develop improvement plans to put into action.



How does coaching work with our partners?

Our coaches work with varying types and sizes of organizations. We work with an organization or with individual divisions, departments, or units within an organization. Our priority is to listen to the partner needs and align a coaching plan to those needs.  

In Particular, We…


Our partner development team engages in a conversation with the organizational leader to determine the most important needs. We focus our conversations on organizational input and relevant data.


The partner development and coaching teams continue conversations with the leader and others to create a scope of work that aligns to the most important organizational needs.


Our coaches begin with creating a high level annual plan with leadership teams and gaining important diagnostic information to create a good starting point for building a coaching plan.

Outcomes &

Annual plans are used to create specific quarterly plans with core outcomes and actions.

We provide support by using a common framework aligned to the

Nine Principles® Framework.

The way we build the coaching plan depends of the highest needs.


Want to Learn More?

Let’s connect and find out what you need to strengthen your leadership, maximize your employees’ performance, and build an organizational framework for success.

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