Virtual Coach Chats

Leader development that meets you where you are.

Coach chats are designed for quick, lively, and interactive learning opportunities where leaders can interact with a coach, learn practical content, and engage with other leaders in a virtual session. 


Thank you to all who participated in our 2019 Coach Chats! We hope you were able to learn from our coaches and colleagues to further develop your skills. Please check back in the New Year for the 2020 Coach Chat dates and registration.

November 12, 2019  | 3:30 pm (CST)

Living Our Values: Addressing Service and Performance

Host: Dr. KK Owen

Values define an organization. When organizations successfully live out their values, alignment of strategy, action, and mindset is obvious to internal and external stakeholders. How does your organization live out its values? During this free virtual chat, you’ll have the opportunity to ask Dr. KK Owen questions and interact with other education leaders to see how they’re living their values to address service and performance within their organization.

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