Start slow, build the foundation.

Most would agree adopting a continuous improvement effort is good for a team or an organization. However, after implementing improvement science, many leaders find themselves wondering if they are in fact making any improvements and find it difficult to define and sustain progress. In this episode, Superintendent Ryan Carpenter, Estacada School District, discusses why his team made a commitment to adopting a continuous improvement mindset and implementing Evidence-Based Leadership℠ framework across the school system, and the difference it has made a year later. Ryan’s approach to starting small and putting people first not only transformed their lives and work environment, it also prepared them to collectively face the challenge COVID-19 would bring to their community.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can organizations build a foundation for continuous improvement work?
  • What is the impact of Evidence-Based Leadership℠ on an organization’s culture?
  • Why is it critical for leaders to put people first?

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