DHP-Nola-Event-Summary Banner

What was your most important take away?

  • People are truly the center and the reason why processes and organizations succeed.

  • Remember people. Data is important, but understanding human input is necessary.

  • Reinforced my leadership beliefs. All institutions share the same challenges/issues.

  • We are not alone in our journey! Trust the process, and always look introspectively.

Our Next Event

DHP Pensacola
Oct 29-30

Highlights from The Stage

Key Drivers for Changing a Culture

Sabrina Hebeler | Chief of Staff
Michigan State University Infrastructure Planning and Facilities

Over the past several years, MSU IPF leaders have committed to a performance excellence path. Learn about several key drivers that have been critical for the leadership team to celebrate wins, address challenges and make necessary changes to achieve success.

Leading With An Improvement Mindset

Brendan Kelly | Chancellor
University of South Carolina Upstate

As in most organizations, USC Upstate has focused on working “in the business” with little time spent working “on the business”. Learn how Upstate has created a roadmap for the leadership team to follow. The team applies data-informed decisions to determine what to keep doing and stop doing.

Keeping Successful Momentum During A Presidential Transition

Micheal Crafton | Interim President
University of West Georgia

Every organization faces changes at the top. Learn how an organization navigates a presidential leadership change to keep positive momentum and results. Some things need to stay the same and other things need to change. Also, it provides a time for reflection and input.

The Cultural Transformation Story At SLCC

Natalie Harder | Chancellor
South Louisiana Community College

SLCC has evolved over the last several years to live everyday excellence. Learn how focused attention at the executive level and working collaboratively as a team are two areas of focus to continuously improve an organization. Changing a culture requires intentional actions.

Presentation Decks

Welcome to DHP NOLA 2019
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Key Drivers for Changing a Culture
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Leading with an Improvement Mindset
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Coaching Skills for Leaders or A Systems Approach to Organizational Development, Coaching, and Staff Professional Development
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Leadership Development Institutes
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Frontline Employees: Results Rollout and Actions
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Listening to Input: Strategic Planning Process
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Creating Campus–wide Standards of Practice
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Embedding the Scorecard into the Current Game Plan
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Building on Yesterday’s Connections
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The Cultural Transformation Story at SLCC
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Keeping Successful Momentum During a Presidential Transition
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Be Visible and Be the Face of the Institution
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Connecting the Dots to Continuous Improvement and Performance Excellence Panel
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Process Improvement: Streamlining UWG’s Capabilities
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Reflections and Summary
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