Excellence Weekly: Reward and Recognize Success

Start your week with inspiring stories of excellence through reward and recognition, driving exceptional outcomes at every level.


  1. Celebrate two extraordinary leaders who received the Difference Maker Award at What’s Right in Education.
  2. Connect to purpose with the Accelerate Your Performance Podcast to hear a superintendent’s success story in embedding Reward and Recognition into their district’s culture.
  3. Join the Hardwiring Excellence in Education book club this afternoon focused on Chapter 9: Reward and Recognition.


Difference Maker Award Winners

Celebrating Extraordinary Leaders


At the 12th annual What’s Right in Education conference, we honored two K-12 superintendents with the prestigious Difference Maker Award for their bold leadership and significant impacts in their districts.


Matt Hillmann and Terrie Morgan being honored as 2023 Difference Maker Award recipient acknowledges their outstanding contributions to education, marked by their unwavering dedication to equity, student success, and innovation, making them champions in the field.


Read the article


Accelerate Your Performance Podcast

Transform Culture with Reward and Recognition


What does reward and recognition look like in practice?


In episode 317, Dr. Janet Pilcher and Dr. Jennifer Lowery, Superintendent of Tea Area School District in South Dakota, discuss the practical implementation of reward and recognition from Dr. Pilcher’s book Hardwiring Excellence in Education. Listen as Dr. Lowery shares insights on fostering a culture of recognition at all levels.


Listen now

 25 min


Hardwiring Excellence in Education Book Club

Chapter 9: Reward and Recognize Success


Join the book club today at 2 p.m. CT.


Led by Dr. Janet Pilcher, this book club session will explore effective ways to value and appreciate the individuals on your team, all in pursuit of achieving outstanding results. Leader Coach Dr. Gayle Juneau-Butler will join Janet to share how the Tea Area School District built a process for reward and recognition.

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in an insightful discussion on fostering excellence through reward and recognition.


Join the Book Club


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