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Lead by example, and help your child learn to be a good friend.

EP 26: Coaching Friendship

Children need social connections in order to be successful in school and in life. Amid the shifts from building to at-home learning, the opportunity to build social skills and make new friends have taken a hit. It’s important for parents to remember that, like everything else, children LEARN how to be social. They learn by watching the example adults set for them in their own friendships. In this episode, we share specific actions parents can take to teach friendship and how they can coach children to be a good friend.

The Resources


Are you concerned about your child’s social connections? You’re not alone. With a new school year underway and a persistent pandemic, parents want to make sure their children aren’t missing out on the social aspect of learning. In this episode, we talk to two parent friends, Tera Ali and Annie Nihls, about their concerns and how they’re creating opportunities for their children to socialize.

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“Gratitude helps us create and spread meaning out of the goodness and kindness we experience.” In this episode, Dr. Giacomo Bono describes how gratitude is “growable.” He explains the relationship between gratitude and learning, and provides practical tips for parents who want to coach their kids to be grateful.

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