This week’s Quick Reads focus on engagement and making a great place to work.


Harvard Business Review shared “To Motivate Employees, Help them Do Their Jobs Better” which challenges us to think about whether “engagement actually cause[s] higher performance, or [whether] high-performing employees [are] just more engaged. Check out the post here.

Leaders, Solomon gets straight to the point in this Forbes post titled, “The Virtuous Circle That Builds A Company Culture Of Customer Service Excellence” saying, “If you want to create a culture of customer service excellence, here’s the decision you have to make…” Ready for action?

Is your organization “demonstrating their passion for cultivating resilient and engaged leaders who take the time to know and develop their talent…?” This Inc. article shares the top companies that are and five key characteristics that the top companies share, and challenges readers, “How does your company compare?”

Authors of a recent Ivey Business Journal, “What Engages Employees the Most or, The Ten C’s of Employee Engagement,” say:

It is imperative for leaders to identify the level of engagement in their organization and implement behavioral strategies that will facilitate full engagement.

The article moves through the definition of employee engagement, before addressing whether there is a “crisis” and whether engagement really “makes a difference” and sharing a solution.

Blogrige, the official blog of the Baldrige Program, offers a series of reads on “Ten Reasons Small Businesses Benefit from the Baldrige Criteria” which provide strategies to consider for organizational improvement; for example, Part 3 includes a focus on measurement and skill development. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 as well.

Quick Reads offers us an opportunity to share some of what we’re reading each week. Let us know how you connect with the articles and share with us and WRIE readers what you’re reading.


Our mission at Studer Education is to help education systems achieve measurable results that produce positive outcomes in student achievement, employee engagement, support services, and financial efficiencies and productivity. Our goal is to help school systems provide students with a great place to learn, teachers with a great place to teach, and parents with confidence that their children are getting a great education. Follow us on Twitter at @StuderEducation and visit us online at Studer Education is a division of Studer Group, ranked for the seventh straight year on the Best Small and Medium Workplaces by Great Place to Work® and a recipient of the 2010 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

Filed under: How to Lead…, Our Partners, Service Excellence, Who’s Engaged? Tagged: #EmployeeEngagement, #leaders, 5 Quick Reads, Employee Engagement, Excellence, Five Quick Reads, Great Place to Work, Leadership, Service Excellence

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