Disrupt the pattern of poor performance using D.E.S.K.

Low performers take up the majority of our time as leaders and cause their better performing coworkers stress. Today we address the types of low performing behaviors and what happens if we ignore them.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How do we enable low performers?
  • What are low performer behaviors?
  • What about mean employees?

Low Performers: Who Are They? is the fifth episode in a series describing the performance curve and performance conversations, beginning with Ep. #16 High Performers: Who Are They?. 

Related Resources

Differentiating Staff: Leadership Challenge

Moving an organization forward requires appropriate levels of leadership support and feedback for improvement. The following steps are designed to guide leaders through a process of differentiating staff performance levels.

Low Performer Conversation

Ignoring poor performance affects the team, the leader, customers or clients, and the organization as a whole. Even postponing performance conversations can cause damage to the team and organization. If patterns of low performance persist after support, it's time to use the D.E.S.K. approach.



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High Performers give discretionary effort