through Evidence-Based LeadershipSM

School district and department leaders are constantly required to make high-value decisions regarding the best use of limited funds. High performing school districts maximize student performance by aligning expenditures with priority goals and initiatives. School board members and superintendents frequently want to know, “Did we make the right decision in allocating funds? How are we measuring return on investment?”

At Studer Education, we coach school districts to provide students with a great place to learn, teachers with a great place to teach, staff with a great place to work, and parents with confidence that their children are getting a great education. An important part of the student experience is the effective use of resources to meet their needs. Employees and parents feel pride and confidence when the district makes wise financial decisions for the present and future. Studer Education coaches offer research expertise that can support your district’s analysis of the return on investments made at the school, department, and district level.

Engage with Our Team to:

  • Set ambitious but reasonable goals related to specific activities, programs or interventions.
  • Identify predictive progress monitoring measures to be analyzed throughout the year for assessing program outcomes.
  • Support leaders in identifying the implementation actions that are required to achieve goals and allow for an effective evaluation of the activity or program under review.
  • Provide training in Validation Tools and Tactics that enable leaders to assess levels of employee compliance and fidelity in completing necessary actions associated with the implementation effort. (Before assessing for return on investment, it’s important that leaders know whether or not full implementation has been achieved).
  • Assess the quality of implementation efforts by varying employee groups. We help answer the question, “Is the strategy being implemented as we intended?” If employees are compliant but the implementation is not of high quality, there’s the risk of calculating an inaccurate return on investment.
  • Conduct program evaluations that assess how specific initiatives, activities, or investments are furthering the district’s established goals.
Continuous Improvement
Infuse Evidence-Based Leadership Practices
Workforce Engagement
Create Engaged Best-Place-to-Work Environments
Service Excellence
Deliver Outstanding Service to Stakeholders
Survey Tools
  • Parent Satisfaction
  • District Support Services
  • Student Engagement
  • Employee Engagement

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