through Evidence-Based LeadershipSM

All of us come to work each day and want to have purpose, do worthwhile work and make a difference in the lives of those we touch. Studer Education works with partner districts to create great places for students to learn, teachers to teach, employees to work, and parents to send their children for a quality education. To accomplish this critical mission, we focus on relationships. Education is founded on effective relationships between students, teachers, leaders, parents, and all district employees. Failing to maintain positive, productive relationships with key stakeholders can lead to negative public perception of the school district in the community as well as a loss of enrollment as parents make different choices.

At Studer Education we coach educational leaders and front-line service providers to improve their service to employees, leaders, parents and students and to achieve service excellence in every school and department. 

Engage with our team to:

    • Administer our stakeholder surveys and receive reports, analyses, and recommendations in the areas of parent satisfaction, district support services, and student engagement.
    • Support leaders in rolling out survey results to employee groups.
    • Engage in professional development for leaders and front-line employees focused on:
  • Alignment of service excellence goals, measures, actions.
  • Communication strategies using key words with parents, employees, and stakeholders.
  • Professional conversations to improve employees’ delivery of high quality service.
Continuous Improvement
Infuse Evidence-Based Leadership Practices
Workforce Engagement
Create Engaged Best-Place-to-Work Environments
Financial Efficiency
Align Resources with Goals and Determine ROI
Survey Tools
  • Parent Satisfaction
  • District Support Services
  • Student Engagement
  • Employee Engagement

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