Level 5 Leadership

Level 5 Leadership Leadership is hard to define. We all have different ideas about what traits are needed for a high performing leader. How does a high performing leader consistently increase and [...]

Digging into Data

Using Data to Inform Division, Department and Individual Action Plans In celebrating and highlighting the great work in the Hopkins County Schools, Kentucky, we discover how digging deeper into [...]

Hardwiring Educational Excellence

In creating a culture for educational excellence, Muskego-Norway school district has hardwired the processes that feed alignment, accountability and self-awareness.  They create continuous [...]

Making a Difference Comes Full Circle

Do you ever stop and think to yourself, “Wow, if I hadn’t had that particular experience, I wouldn’t be in the place and position I am in today?” For Quisha Wesley, a TeacherReady® alumna, this [...]

Resilience Through Reflection

It is important that leaders, especially in education, take time to remember why they joined the profession. This connection to purpose takes careful reflection that we typically skip out on when [...]

Strategies for Reflection & Planning

Reflective Practice Reflection is a way of studying your own experiences to improve the way you work. The act of reflection is a great way to increase confidence and become a more proactive and [...]

Collect the Right Data to Reflect

INSIGHTS FROM HIGH-PERFORMING OPERATIONS LEADERS High-performing leaders realize the importance of using data for reflection and improvement. Reflecting on the right data is important across the [...]