Using the Execution Triangle to Get Communication Right

The challenge in getting results lies in consistency and reliability of execution.

– Quint Studer and Janet Pilcher, Mazimize Performance

To execute your communication with fidelity, use the Execution Triangle. Communicate with high reliability, consistency and accountability. In this roundtable, Dr. JoAnn Sternke shared tools and tactics for high consistency communication.

In the discussion groups, JoAnn challenged education leaders to think about their current communication practices:

  • Think of a time you communicated a school issue very well. What made it this successful? In other words, what did you execute with intentionality that allowed the communication to be more successful?

  • What is a challenge you have experienced in getting your communication to be more consistent?

  • As you think of your next adjustment to your Reentry Plan, what is one message you will work to communicate with more consistency? Discuss something you learned today to improve your messaging of this adjustment.


Roundtable Resources

Trust: Consistency of Leadership

While recently pondering how we go about earning trust, I was transported back to my days in the classroom. Middle schoolers have a great knack for teaching you significant life lessons. How did I earn their trust? Why did they stop by during recess or after school to chat?

Cascading Communication

HAVE YOU EVER FELT LIKE YOU WERE LEFT OUT OF THE LOOP OR MISSING INFORMATION? HAVE YOU EVER MADE A DECISION BASED ON WRONG INFORMATION? An effective, aligned message ensures all stakeholders have accurate information in a timely manner. All stakeholders hear the same messages from their leaders which gives employees confidence and makes them feel trusted.

The Toolkits


Communicate with Greater Clarity: Leveraging the Execution Triangle

This toolkit focuses on how to leverage the principles of the Studer Education Execution Triangle to enhance the clarity of your written and spoken communication. If you want to communicate with greater clarity, the three key principles in this toolkit will assist you in developing and deploying your message.

Return to Learn: Organizational Excellence Execution and Improvement

The practices and tools in this toolkit provide a framework for deploying a process that aligns measures, actions, input, results and conversations to help the team stay focused on serving students and their families well and providing them with an excellent education.

Future Roundtable Sessions

Each week, our coaches lead a discussion with a community of leaders who are facing similar challenges. These 60-minute sessions are free and allow opportunities to learn from expert leadership coaches and have candid conversations with other leaders about barriers, share successful practices, and re-center on what works.

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