Communication is the real work of leadership.

Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.” — Nat Turner
That’s how our guest, Leader Coach Dr. JoAnn Sternke started today’s episode. Due to uncertainty and a rapidly changing external environment, leaders are being bombarded with questions. It’s critical for us to respond with messages that are well-framed to enhance clarity, build trust, and reduce anxiety. On the other hand, poor communication can result in the exact opposite. Listen as JoAnn Sternke and our host Dr. Janet Pilcher discuss how we can deploy communication that’s consistent and reliable.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can we instill confidence when we don’t have the answers?
  • What are three keys to delivering a message that leads to execution?
  • Where do we often go wrong with our communication?

Featured Episode Resources

What Best Leaders Do to Communicate with Employees During a Crisis

Employees are our most valued asset for achieving organizational excellence and for managing crises when they appear. From research over the years we know that leaders play a significant role in reducing employee anxieties and reassuring employees by reminding them that they have confidence in their ability to prevail in a crisis. Leaders are the ones who provide hope for the future.

Start with Why

Communicating change effectively is a skill all leaders need. How we frame communication around change to our teams is crucial because if people don’t understand why the change is needed, they’re less likely to embrace the change. For our organizations to reach our goals, stay productive, and do so with excellence, we need everyone working together. So how do we present change in a way people will embrace? Starting with why the change is needed is an effective approach.

Key Words at Key Times for Resilient Leaders

Communicating change effectively is a skill all leaders need. How we frame communication around change to our teams is crucial because if people don’t understand why the change is needed, they’re less likely to embrace the change. For our organizations to reach our goals, stay productive, and do so with excellence, we need everyone working together. So how do we present change in a way people will embrace? Starting with why the change is needed is an effective approach.

Model the Way by Managing Up

How we communicate matters. When we model positive and respectful communication, we are setting the example and expectation for how to communicate and interact in our organization. When we manage up, we are demonstrating “what right looks like.” In the workplace, employees look for leaders that build good relationships, are approachable, work side by side with others, and show appreciation for a job well done.

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The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.

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