Photo cred: KATU

As we continue reentry planning for reopening schools this fall, Estacada School District has begun testing a new model for the upcoming school year at a middle school. This hybrid plan of teaching was introduced during the summer and the school district is hopeful that this could be a successful way to teach students in the upcoming school year.

How does the hybrid plan work? Currently, the system has ten students in the classroom and ten at home. Every two days, the students switch their location. In a recent news segment with KATU, Estacada staff said that this is the most engaged they’ve seen students through virtual schooling yet.

We don’t want any of our students to feel isolated and they still are able to have that peer-to-peer interaction, peer-to-peer discussion. That’s huge. We need our students to have that social and emotional wellness component as well. – Maggie Kelly, Estacada School District Communications Director

Ben Hargrave, principal at Estacada Middle School, said that with state guidelines, he’s confident students and staff can be safe at school this fall.

Staff safety is something that is on our minds. If we are following those procedures and protocols that ODE has assigned to us, we feel good that we’re going to be able to keep our staff safe. – Ben Hargrave, Principal of Estacada Middle School

Kelly said that at this point, a hybrid plan seems to be the best-case scenario for the fall.

At this time, I think this is one of the best ways to engage our online learners. It’s an inevitability at this time that we’re going to have online learners… whether to meet social distancing requirements or just for students that are at a higher risk. – Maggie Kelly, Estacada School District Communications Director

Kelly hopes that this technology can continued to be used even after the pandemic to connect students during snow days or sick leave.

They can still engage with their peers that are learning in the classroom and they won’t lose as much quality learning time. There’s a significant educational slide when students aren’t in the classroom and we really want to help bridge that gap. – Maggie Kelly, Estacada School District Communications Director

Story originally published by Megan Allison | KATU. Read full story >>

Superintendent Ryan Carpenter joins Sunrise Extra to talk more about Estacada’s hybrid learning plan.

It’s unclear if students will be in classrooms or learning online this fall. Estacada’s school district is spending the summer testing out what physically-distanced classes could look like. Hear what Estacada Superintendent Ryan Carpenter said on Sunrise Extra with KGW News about the upcoming school year.

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