Leadership team around conference table hosting effective, inclusive conversations

Leadership Toolkit

Courageous Leadership: Hosting Effective, Inclusive Conversations

As the world and our workplaces grow in complexity, our need to connect across differences and be inclusive of varying perspectives and experiences increases. It might seem as though discussions across differences are a normal and relatively easy action to accomplish — especially for groups who are accustomed to working together. However, 85 percent of the workforce report that workplace conflict is the norm in their respective professional spaces, often as a result of differences in perspectives, experiences, values, and perceived power. You may strive to lead effective and inclusive conversations about topics ranging from establishing standards of practice in emerging virtual work environments to examining discrimination in hiring practices. This toolkit is designed to support you in bridging the gap of communication and effectively facilitating these challenging conversations.

Inclusion is not bringing people into what already exists; it is making a new space, a better space for everyone.

George Dei


The inclusive conversations toolkit is divided into two sections, providing practical resources to help leaders and teams self-assess, plan for and host inclusive conversations:

Section 1

Assess and Achieve Readiness

Step 1: How Ready Are You?

— Tool 1: How Ready Are You?
Consider your readiness. Your answers will reflect both emotional and rational responses.

Step 2: How Ready Are Potential Participants?

— Tool 2: How Ready is Your Team?
Consider your team’s readiness. You might engage other leaders to reflect with you on Tool 2.

Section 2

A Model for Inclusive Conversations

Step 3: Approach the Conversation

— Tool 3: Readying an Individual for the Conversation
Ask questions intentionally with individuals who may “come to the table” with a specific issue or agenda.

Step 4: Make Space and Place for the Conversation

— Tool 4: Inclusive Conversation Agenda
Use the agenda template in Tool 4 to support your integration of a norms discussion at the beginning of the conversation.

Step 5: Follow Up With Action

— Tool 5: Stoplight Report
Ensure follow-up becomes follow-through with this report. Assign responsibilities and ensure accountability as individuals work toward achieving trust and team outcomes.


This toolkit provides practical resources to help leaders and teams self-assess, plan for, and host inclusive conversations.

Inclusive conversations require approaching discussions so that:

  • everyone understands the why of the topic;
  • everyone feels safe physically and psychologically to contribute in authentic and truthful ways; and
  • everyone knows the importance of seeing beyond self to seek to understand the point of view of others.

Developing the right inclusive conversation mindset as a leader with and for your team is not a one-and-done project. Use this toolkit as you host conversations about any number of topics.

Download Inclusive Conversations Toolkit


To support leaders and teams, we also have other toolkits that provide additional resources to complement those outlined in this toolkit.


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