Bring energy to your team to manage change.

While the holidays are often times of joy, they can also be difficult times for some, and this year has sure brought challenges for all of us. With this in mind, let’s consider how we can recognize the people in our lives and how we can effectively express our appreciation. In this episode, Dr. Janet Pilcher shares tips for practicing gratitude and creating an environment where people feel valued.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How can we be better listeners?
  • Why is it important to express our appreciation to our colleagues?
  • How can we create a culture of gratitude?

Featured Episode Resources

Anticipating Change

Most of us recognize the difference between leading and managing change. While both are necessary to successfully operate in or implement change, leading change involves an element of anticipation. Anticipating change means leaders have enough foresight and information to know what is likely to happen, strategize, and guide the larger team to success, in preparation for the pending shifts.

Guiding Your Team Through Change

In this video, Dr. Eric Gallien discusses how he balances applying the right amount of pressure with the the right amount of support when communicating change to his team.


Are you ready for intense change? In situations involving intense change, strong leadership is a must. Knee jerk reactions and decisions won't help the organization progress. Leaders will need to prepare and plan for multiple scenarios in order to lead big change successfully. Doing so will help leaders make thoughtful smart decisions in uncertain times.

Listen Intently

Have you noticed lately that getting another person's undivided attention can be rather difficult? Between daily demands and technology at our fingertips, it can seem quite rare for someone to look you in the eyes and pay careful attention to what you're saying. Did you know, humans spend 70% of their time communicating, in which 45% is spent listening?

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