Continuous improvement is a cultural value that can UNIFY an organization states George Halvorson, Chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente (Harvard Business Review, July-August 2013). From his experience he finds leaders must create a work environment reinforcing continuous improvement which means creating a place where people:

1. see how small improvements add up to making big differences
2. are passionate about their work and feel good when results occur
3. gain confidence in each other to achieve and succeed

Model and build a culture of continuous improvement to unify your colleagues and unify your organization.

Tip for Leaders: Promote a culture of continuous improvement by setting well communicated measurable goals and expectations and showing transparent progress to everyone in the organization. Model the behaviors that “we are all in this together” and “excellence takes everyone achieving results.”

Reflect: How will you engage colleagues to identify areas working well and those needing attention? Once identified, how will you and engage this same group or others to create a game plan for improvement?

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Halvorson, George C. (July-August 2013). The Culture to Cultivate. Harvard Business Review. Available online at

Dr. Janet Pilcher is Executive Leader and Founder of Studer Education, a division of Studer Group, ranked for seven straight years on the Best Small and Medium Workplaces by Great Place to Work® and a recipient of the 2010 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. Connect with Dr. Pilcher on LinkedIn and Twitter @janetpilcher. For more Leadership Tips by our coaches, visit our website blog at

Studer Education partners with education systems to achieve measurable results that produce positive outcomes in student achievement and success, employee engagement, support services, financial efficiencies and productivity. We coach and support leaders to create great place to work, learn, and achieve. teach, students with a great place to learn, and parents with confidence that their children are getting a great education. Follow us on Twitter at @StuderEducation and visit us online at Studer Education is

Filed under: How to Lead… Tagged: #LeadershipTip, @janetpilcher, Culture, George Halvorson, Harvard Business Review, Janet Pilcher, Leadership Tip, Pilcher, WRIE

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