News of Relief Funds, Now What? Build Foundations for Sustainable Impact

How informed do you feel about emergency relief funding?

CARES Act Emergency Relief | CRRSAA: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II) | Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER)

The great news of another COVID relief package from Congress brings calls to apply these funds to shore up immediate needs or invest in new “stuff” that promises to make a quick difference. How can we best build sustainability with one-time funds? What impact are we striving for? In this roundtable, Dr. Melissa Matarazzo shared important principles for decision-making and achieving the best return on investment with federal relief funds.

In the roundtable and the discussion, Melissa called on leaders to get informed about the possible relief funds available and think about how best their organizations and communities could use these funds. She also challenged leaders to think strategically and create a plan for how their organization plans to make decisions about the funds:

  • What outcomes will matter most in your community?
  • What pressures and challenges do you feel/foresee as you make these decisions?
  • How might you structure your decision-making?

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Roundtable Resources


Decision-Making Confidence | 9P

Avoid the trap of analysis paralysis and feel confident about your decisions. A few practical tips can keep us from getting stuck in the decision-making process.

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use key words for resilience

Key Words at Key Times for Resilient Leaders | 9P

During times of high anxiety or confusion, thoughtfully crafting Key Words at Key Times can help align clear and specific communication. Use this tool to assist you in crafting important communication during disruption or change.

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Communicating Change | 9P

Organizations consistently face change. Deciding what strategic changes must occur is part of a leadership team’s responsibilities. Once the change is determined, it is important to communicate the problem along with the suggested solution. Following this communication process builds trust in leadership and the change.

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Plan Strategically to Make a Lasting Impact

As news of the latest COVID relief package from Congress trickles into the inboxes of superintendents across the country, it can be tempting to move quickly with these funds to shore up immediate needs and return our school systems to as “normal” as we can in a continuing time of disruption.

How can we create a lasting impact from federal relief funds? Consider these four ideas for allocating funds to build a foundation for the future.

Toolkit: Communicate with Greater Clarity

This toolkit focuses on how to leverage the principles of the Studer Education Execution Triangle to enhance the clarity of your written and spoken communication. You will learn to leverage strategies to enhance the reliability, consistency and accountability of your communication.

All Toolkits

Toolkits are developed by our experts to guide leaders with a framework for complex solutions. View and download our interactive toolkits on communicating using the Execution Triangle, results rollout, execution and improvement, crisis communication and more.

Future Roundtable Sessions

Each week, our coaches lead a discussion with a community of leaders who are facing similar challenges. These 60-minute sessions are free and allow opportunities to learn from expert leadership coaches and have candid conversations with other leaders about barriers, share successful practices and re-center on what works.

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