The introduction of 2019 brings to you a new leadership resource from Studer Education. Accelerate Your Performance is a weekly podcast show that began January 7th. The show’s host, Dr. Janet Pilcher, discusses proven leadership strategies and how to solve common issues leaders face in 20 minutes or less with new episodes available every Monday morning.

To summarize the first three episodes, Dr. Pilcher dives into the Nine Principles® for achieving organizational excellence, providing her listeners with a brief overview of each principle. The Nine Principles® are grounded in best-practice research, focused on improving company culture, service and results. Now that you know what the Nine Principles are, the next episode begins to address one of a leader’s greatest challenges.


…according to the most recent Gallup Research Study on workplace engagement. Which is why in Episode 4, Dr. Pilcher talks about the importance of tending to employee engagement levels and the three things you can start doing today to keep team members engaged. After all, leadership is not just a formal position, rather leaders exist without the title. They are the individuals responsible for keeping the team from losing their way.

What if you don’t feel connected to the work you do daily? Continuing from the previous episode, Dr. Pilcher discusses her passion and how she used that passion to stay motivated in different ways throughout her career. Think about what motivates you, or what energizes you? If you’ve let your flame burnout, listen and discover how you can reignite your passion in the meantime.


Every organization has a culture, and it’s constantly evolving, whether you’re nurturing it or not. Most noteworthy for leaders; 87% of organizations cite culture and engagement as one of their top challenges, and 50% call the problem “very important.” For that reason, it’s no surprise one of the most common questions we hear is, “Can you fix my culture?”.

After all, an organization’s productivity depends on a thriving culture. According to a study in Harvard Business Review, nearly half of employees in toxic workplaces decreased work effort and intentionally spent less time at work, while 38% intentionally decreased the quality of their work. As if that’s not bad enough, 25% of employees in these toxic environments admitted to taking their frustrations out on customers!

Due to this question’s popularity, Dr. Pilcher reveals in episode 6 how you can transform your culture to become the right culture for your employees. Which raises the question;


You’ve probably heard the phrase, “people don’t leave companies, they leave their managers.” According to James K. Harter Ph.D., Gallup’s Chief Scientist for workplace management, at least 75% of the reasons for costly voluntary turnover come down to things that managers can influence. Therefore, we need to make an effort to align all executives to the organization’s overall goals. Dr. Pilcher provides solutions for handling executive leader sabotage during episode 7.

Finally, if you’re not in a leadership role, you may be wondering what to do when your boss is the problem? First of all, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a 2018 Monster poll asking employees to describe their boss, three in four U.S. employees currently has, or recently had, a toxic boss. What can you do if this is your experience? To begin, tune into episode 8, the last episode released in January from the Accelerate Your Performance podcast.

You can listen to January’s podcast episodes by visiting www.studereducation.com/podcast or by using one of these convenient listening services: BuzzSprout, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, TuneIn, or ask Alexa to “play Accelerate Your Performance.” Then, in the comments below, let us know what questions you would like to hear Dr. Pilcher address on her next episodes.

In 20 minutes or less every week, discover how you can be the best you can be at work.

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