Vulnerability and Leadership

When you shut down vulnerability, you shut down opportunity.

– Brené Brown

Vulnerable leadership is not a leader walking around sharing their deepest, most personal secrets with everyone. Vulnerable leadership is taking off your armor, putting aside your ego and being genuine and real. In this roundtable, Dr. Janet Pilcher shared tips for vulnerable leaders to create ways to let others in their heads and hearts, especially in difficult situations.

In the roundtable and the discussion groups, Janet challenged leaders to think about what vulnerable leadership means to them, share examples of vulnerable leadership in difficult situations and reflect on the tips she shared:

  • Provide an example of some bad news to share. What did you notice about vulnerable leadership when sharing bad news?

  • What tip resonated with you the most and why?

  • What questions do you have about vulnerable leadership?


Roundtable Resources


Vulnerability and Teamwork | 9P

With substantial pressure on workers and teams to learn new skills, generate innovative and creative products and services, and collaborate to solve complicated problems, we are realizing a need for team members to build deeper connections and take greater risks. To accomplish this, we embrace vulnerability.

Read the article on 9P >> 


Culture of Resilience | 9P

How do organizations succeed through difficult times? Resilient organizations are able to improve faster because they place emphasis on and build disciplined routines around people, service, and alignment. To cultivate a culture of resilience leaders align people to goals, take time to routinely reflect, and communicate transparently with all stakeholders.

Read the article on 9P >> 

Hear More from Janet on Vulnerable Leadership


The Accelerate Your Performance podcast focuses on tactical actions to improve workplace culture. These tactics align to our Nine Principles® for Organizational Excellence. Listen weekly to hear stories of excellent organizations, ground-breaking leaders and the practices behind their success.

EP 138: Take Off the Armor
What does vulnerable leadership look like? We know it involves opening up and being real, but how do we approach vulnerability in our organizations? In this episode, Janet shares characteristics of vulnerable leadership and practical tips for leading with vulnerability.

Future Roundtable Sessions

Each week, our coaches lead a discussion with a community of leaders who are facing similar challenges. These 60-minute sessions are free and allow opportunities to learn from expert leadership coaches and have candid conversations with other leaders about barriers, share successful practices and re-center on what works.


Toolkits are developed by our experts to guide leaders with a framework for complex solutions. View and download our interactive toolkits on communicating using the Execution Triangle, execution and improvement, crisis communication and more.

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