EP14: Keeping Up with Schoolwork

Does your child need help keeping up with schoolwork? Coach your child to keep track of the work and to figure out when to do it. In this episode, we break down two ways to get your child [...]

A Roadmap to Break Down Barriers

CREATING A CULTURE OF CAMPUS INNOVATION AND OWNERSHIP We recruit and hire talented people to generate new ideas, solve complex problems and help us achieve our mission. Yet within large [...]

EP13: Boost Learner Confidence

"I'm just not good at it." If you've ever heard this statement, your child might need a confidence boost. In this episode, we offer parents 5 tips for boosting learner confidence, especially when [...]

EP143: Avoid Choosing the Status Quo

Continuous improvement is a process, a mindset, and a set of tools. It's organization-wide and specific to each individual. At its core are the people who do the work. Through sustained, [...]

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