Agility and Pulse Survey Success

If we keep doing what we are doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.

– Stephen R. Covey

Taking the “pulse” of stakeholders early and often is key to success in a rapidly changing environment. What you do with the results of the “pulse” checks are pivotal. Taking small actions quickly after taking the pulse can make a big difference in stakeholder and employee engagement. This shows that you not only value the voice of your stakeholders and want their feedback but that you’re also listening and taking action based on their input. In this roundtable, Dr. KK Owen was joined by Superintendent Matt Hillmann to share the pulse survey process and strategies for success.

In the roundtable and the discussion groups, KK challenged leaders to think about their current processes of listening to feedback and what employee engagement challenges they currently face:

  • What did you hear from Superintendent Matt Hillmann that connects to what you are doing and how might you ramp up what is working to build more confidence/engagement among employees?

  • Survey Results tell us that two things matter to employees now: the opportunity to provide input and the clear communication about decisions and changes. What are your ideas for meeting these two employee needs?

  • What do you see as the most pressing employee engagement challenges ahead for the remainder of this school year? How can we implement focused actions NOW to ensure a better outcome at the end of this school year?


Roundtable Resources


Using Feedback to Prioritize | 9P

Asking for feedback provides a model of leading with humility and striking a learner stance. The quantity and content of feedback can be overwhelming. It’s important to use feedback to prioritize effective actions and build a trusting relationship and strong culture.

Read the article on 9P >> 


Prioritizing Support Services Survey Results | 9P

As you begin to meet with your team and collect feedback, it can be difficult to decide where to start. In this video Nannette will walk you through how to prioritize survey results so you can take action.

Read the article on 9P >> 


Stoplight Report | 9P

Communicate Steps of Progress – The Stoplight Report is a way to communicate how ideas, concerns, and barriers are being resolved.

Read the article on 9P >> 

Future Roundtable Sessions

Each week, our coaches lead a discussion with a community of leaders who are facing similar challenges. These 60-minute sessions are free and allow opportunities to learn from expert leadership coaches and have candid conversations with other leaders about barriers, share successful practices and re-center on what works.


Toolkits are developed by our experts to guide leaders with a framework for complex solutions. View and download our interactive toolkits on communicating using the Execution Triangle, execution and improvement, crisis communication and more.

Learn More About Pulse Surveys

Employee Engagement “Pulse” Surveys are designed to be short and allow for rapid response so that we can gather employee feedback and share results and actions to improve. Pulse surveys are designed to be taken at 30-, 60- and 90-days.

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