Hope as a Strategy: Leading With Resilience

Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive.

– Jamais Cascio

Over the last year, organizations have experienced severe stress and trauma in responding to the events of our global environment. In this roundtable, Leader Coach Sabrina Hebeler shared a four frame approach adapted from Bolman and Deal to navigate through organizational trauma and tips to treat the root cause.

In the roundtable and the discussion groups, Sabrina challenged leaders to think about stress levels and trauma experienced within their organization and discuss how to use hope as a strategy to lead with resilience and implement tactics to cope:

  • After reviewing the presentation, what signs of organizational trauma do you recognize in your own institution?

  • Which tip resonated with you the most? How will you implement it? 

  • What questions do you have about navigating organizational trauma?


9P Roundtable Resources


From Hopeless to Champion

Have you noticed an increase in employee turnover? Or maybe a lack of urgency and focus to reach goals? Are employees taking longer breaks, frequently missing work, or becoming increasingly more critical or cynical? These are symptoms of a team that suffers from low morale.

Read the article on 9P >> 


Connections in Times of Challenge

Connection conversations (also check-in/rounding) help organizations harvest wins that can boost morale and promote successful actions. These conversations also deepen relationships with colleagues. Leaders conduct connection conversations with a disciplined cadence. Employees expect them, and this becomes a reliable routine in challenging or uncertain times.

Read the article on 9P >> 


Leading People in Times of Stress


How we think about stress matters. As we continue to experience change and uncertainty, how can leaders best support workers through stress?

Future Roundtable Sessions

Each week, our coaches lead a discussion with a community of leaders who are facing similar challenges. These 60-minute sessions are free and allow opportunities to learn from expert leadership coaches and have candid conversations with other leaders about barriers, share successful practices and re-center on what works.


Toolkits are developed by our experts to guide leaders with a framework for complex solutions. View and download our interactive toolkits on communicating using the Execution Triangle, execution and improvement, crisis communication and more.

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